Tampa Website Design | Online Marketing | Branding | Logo Design | Social Media
Tampa Website Design, Clearwater, St Petersburg, Florida. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 10 years (we hope you weren’t), then you are, aware that the internet has become one of the world’s most powerful forms of strategic media for information communication between businesses and consumers.
Just about every customer will search the internet for information on a product or service before they actually decide to visit the business. This makes it that much more important to have a Tampa Website Design that maximizes your chances of attracting potential customers.
How Were We Born You Ask?
Sailfish Media Group is the digital division of central Florida’s leading non-traditional advertising firm Strategic Media Inc. Since 1995 Strategic Media Inc has specialized in understanding and identifying consumer buying patterns and adapting to the constantly changing trends in the market place, and thus Sailfish Media Group was born. Sailfish is thriving today with the wide variety of strategic advertising and marketing services we offer.
Our Logo and Philosophy
Our logo came to fruition because of the many qualities a sailfish represents. A sailfish is not only a majestic, fast and streamline fish, it is also one of the most beautiful creatures in the ocean. We thought this was a perfect match to go along with our company’s philosophy.
Here at Sailfish Media Group we create Tampa website designs based on the strong qualities a sailfish stands for. Our websites are visually beautiful and have a streamline design to match. Every website we create is optimized to run efficiently and to attract customers fast! There is one major difference between a sailfish and Sailfish Media Group. A sailfish may be slightly difficult to catch, but we never are!
Some People Just Love Living in the Past!

With the experience of Strategic Media Inc and the innovation of Sailfish Media Group, our clients can expect to gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries and avoid wasting advertising dollars on advertising that no longer works. Many other advertising and marketing companies are still heavily relying on traditional marketing as their primary tactic to try to reach their target audience. These companies often panic when traditional advertising does not produce desirable results. Maybe these traditional based companies have been living under a rock for the last 10 years (all signs point to yes) because current trends point heavily towards a dramatic increase in consumer digital and interactive strategic media usage.